Saturday, October 6, 2012

Toddler Sense

Earlier this year junior and I discovered the 'joys' of Gymboree, while I found the all singing all dancing all American garish style a little off putting, my little one loved all the sponge and wooden ladders and bridges to climb on and under. When I came across Toddler Sense in South Park, Reigate I was delighted as it seemed similar. I was feeling energetic (this is a steadily decreasing incline until my lunchtime coffee) so headed off on foot, reliably informed that the journey was only 30-40mins. What my phone didn't mention, was that this was mostly uphill (yes, I'm learning this is what Reigate is all about).  So when we finally arrived, all I was thinking was about the walk home. On entering the class junior was confronted with quite loud, upbeat music and disco lights, which was a little much for him so he was quite clingy and mostly stayed standing on top of a wooden bridge, surveying the multi-coloured medley of activity around him. The class was truly focussed on the senses, with music, bubbles, shakers and sparkly cheerleaders pompoms which I've never seen at a baby group before and were a huge hit! Our journey home (with one bus per hour, which broke down so I had to wait for a cab with a frustrated, tired toddler) means that until we have a car we won't be signing up. The class was very much focussed on the senses rather than concrete skills learning, so I feel junior wasn't especially challenged but it was good fun nevertheless.

Ballet and Boogying

Junior loves to dance and as I prefer listening to LBC to Absolute Radio (my other half is the muso) I have been seeking out opportunities to take my little one to strut his stuff. It came to my attention that ballet classes are ten a penny in Reigate and beyond. We are not really football types and I'm all for challenging stereotypes, I thought why not give ballet a go (obviously remaining completely open to junior not liking ballet). We first headed to Dorking for Baby Ballet for a 3 week trial, and he loved it. Perhaps it was our lovely, pretty dance teacher or because the class was small, and full of tutu-ed sedate little girls - possibly the latter. Over the 3 weeks junior learned 'good toes/naughty toes' and learned to go on tip toes, although not necessarily in class. Classes for boys are starting soon!

Sadly the journey to Dorking (without a car) while scenic, is quite long and surprisingly expensive by bus so I started searching closer to home. So we headed to Diddi Dance at The Coleman Redland Centre on a Thursday at 10 and 11. The class was quite busy with slightly older little ones, it was definitely action packed with great variety and plenty of props. Junior decided to shirk the crowd and spent most of the class pushing the chairs around, possibly he was a little overwhelmed by the hyper active boogying nearly 3 year olds.  

And finally yesterday we tried our first Reigate School of Ballet at The Methodist Church at 10 (new class starting at 10.30!) Junior was not phased by being confronted by a class of 15 little girls and I'm delighted to report he was one of only 3 who actually participate in nearly every activity! While the lesson was less ballet focussed than Baby Ballet, and more about movement to some nursery rhyme classics such as Dingle Dangle Scarecrow. My little one adored this class, I preferred Baby Ballet (also because I like an outing to Dorking) but perhaps for now it is best to focus on fun and movement rather than learning first position.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Getting Arty at Dinky Doodlers

After a busy morning of tennis we hotfooted it over to Dinky Doodlers (formerly Messy Monsters) to get arty, run by the very smiley Alex. While most of us (with some imagination and energy) could set up some simple arts activities at home, they often create more mess and stress than actual art (such as my attempt at home-made finger paints) so getting messy elsewhere is always going to be an attractive option. Throughout our session the group were constantly entertained as we covered a wide range of activities from sticking a picture of Humpy Bumpy (sic) where Mummy thought the black strips were for a short brick wall instead of arms and legs (oops! but I was tired!)

Junior also had a wonderful time squidging jelly balls (I knelt on one, not recommended!) and generally experimenting with putting glue in places it was never intended to go and all I can say is thank goodness for overalls. We also attempted to create two little dicky birds (cardboard cones with feathers) but this was too advanced for our little ones so mummies got busy making two sticky, icky birds which made us feel quite proud! We are considering signing up, as the group was lovely however our budget stretches to just 2 weekly (prepaid) classes and as we are checking babyballet out tomorrow and Diddidance on Thursday we will wait until tomorrow to decide.

(mummy cameo in the picture above - can you spot me?)

Who needs Wimbledon when you have Priory Park!

Last Friday junior and I went to  Munchkins Tennis in Priory Park. 
Strictly speaking classes start from age 2, but he snuck in as he will be 2 this week!
We were met by a friendly face and handed the smallest racket I've ever seen (apart from on a keyring). My little one loves anywhere with SPACE so happily rushed around the tennis court wielding his newly acquired racket. The first exercises involved walking in a straight line as a 'follow my leader' around the court, which was challenging for the participants (aged 2-3) and hilarious for onlookers, as well as simple recap of how to stand and swing the racket, which many of the class remembered!

And so on to the actual tennis; junior did seem to have some idea that the racket and ball were connected, he was just unable to do this on his own. With the help of our lovely teacher he did however hit the ball over the net, onto someone's head, and up a mum's skirt! But as these tennis players are knee high (if that) there were plenty of smiles and laughter and no tears. I was reliably informed that if you start classes at age 2, it only takes 6 months until your little one can hit a ball - which would be amazing. The 30mins lesson certainly raced by and it was wonderful to be out in glorious Priory Park on a fresh, sunny morning however we have decided to start tennis in the new year. Once my budding tennis munchkin has finally grasped running and jumping (and walking in a straight line) we hope to be training him for Wimbledon in the Spring!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Drop in or Sign up ?!?

My initial research has revealed a vast number (most?) groups in Reigate are not drop-ins, and you have to sign up for a term which might become costly! When junior was little I found this hugely problematic as his napping was unpredictable, as were the various colds he happened to catch so we ended up paying for quite a few classes (Baby signing, swimming etc) which we couldn't attend. I also had issues with singing/story groups where the mums sang/listened while the babies/toddlers wandered around aimlessly or stared into space (and I did wonder how much junior was getting out of it!) Now that he does tend to nap regularly I am wondering how on earth I will know what he will like!! I'm hoping some groups will offer a free trial session but I will certainly be on the hunt for drop in groups - so please let me know if you can recommend any!

The turning 2 dilemma!

It seems most classes in Reigate are for under 2s or over 2s but what if your little one is about to turn 2 !!! Junior is very articulate and verbal (bilingual - Hungarian and English) but not quite so steady on his feet, not running or jumping yet. So I wonder if the type of group will determine which one he should go to! I can't quite imagine him in a room full of 4 year olds (wouldn't he get squashed?) but then again hanging out with over 2s means he may progress and learn. As I mostly a stay-at-home (let's say 97% of the time) he doesn't go to a nursery or childminder - hence me being so proactive at finding out what's on, so being with slightly older kids may be the answer!

All roads lead to Reigate

I am finally leaving London and my Little Lambeth blog and after extensive searching have not found a daily timetable of Reigate activities for little ones. I will soon be moving there with my 2 year old, Milo and thought it was be exciting to create my own - and review and explore what there is to do in Reigate and beyond! I will be researching and reviewing all there is for babies/toddlers in Reigate and anything within an easy bus ride away. I also welcome any suggestions or comments anyone may have!

We finally decided on Reigate after visiting Horsham, Epsom, Ewell, Guildford and Dorking - and after seeing Priory Park - I am in love with the park!!! It takes my breath away. Am currently feeling pretty nervous about leaving London, but am excited that my little man will have so much space, we've been told the schools are good (compared to where we are now this is a huge relief), have found at least one good coffee and a few folk in local shops introduced themselves by their first names !!

We've been looking for somewhere a little villagey (well ... country town) within easy reach of the M25, with a little character (castle ruins and caves!!!) somewhere we could afford to live and with a fantastic park and of course a local soft play (essential for any mum in the know) and so ... Reigate here we come!!